Thursday, September 30, 2010

My 99th experiment: Strawberry blueberry bread

Both my strawberry bread and blueberry bread have been such a success that I am really tempted to make more of them.

Recipe: Strawberry blueberry bread (2 mini loaves)

- 1.5 cup KAF all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tp baking soda
- 1TB+1tp sugar
- 1/4 tp kosher salt
- 2.5 TB butter, melted
- 2 eggs
- 1/3 cup skim milk
- 2 cups strawberries (about 2/3 lb), chopped coarsely
- 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, thawed

1. Sieve together flour, baking soda, sugar, salt in a medium bowl.
2. Beat egg, melted butter and milk in a small bowl.
3. Add liquid ingredients to dry ingredients.
4. Add berries. Stir and mix until batter is uniformly moist.
5. Pour batter into greased pans.
6. Bake at 350F in preheated oven for about 40 minutes.
7. Cool for 10 minutes. Detach from pan. Cool for at least 1 hour before serving.

11:23am, all ingredients:

11:33am, wet ingredients and dry ingredients:

11:36am, batter mixed:

11:43am, batter top in pan:

11:43am, batter height in pan:

11:49am, to bake at 350F:

12:23pm, baked 35 minutes, internal temperature 190F:

12:23pm, strength of loaf:

12:23pm, thermometer coming out clean:

12:24pm, top of loaves:

12:24pm, height of loaves:

12:24pm, top 1 and 2:

12:25pm, side of loaves:

1:30pm, top of loaf 1 after cooling:

1:35pm, height of loaves after cooling:

1:37pm, bottom of loaf:

1:38pm, heels:

1:38pm, corner of loaves:

1:39pm, interior of loaf:

1. This time I keep the fresh strawberries in larger pieces. They give volume to the batter before baking.

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